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I feel like I literally went to sleep on the night of June 5th (my last official day of school) and I woke up and it’s August. How was your summer?
I had a productive summer working with students in support of reading, writing and math IEP goals. I also read 8 books, some professional development books and some to include in my classroom. I started the hashtag on my Instagram page. Check out #1bookperwork2019. I plan to keep it going for the rest of the year. I also plan to review some of the titles in upcoming blog posts. Be on the lookout! Speaking of reading, my current book choice is Brene’ Brown’s Dare to Lead. This is my first Brene’ Brown book and it’s great so far. Comment and let me know if you have read any of her books.
If you are like me, you are slowly pulling yourself back into the real world – meaning back into classroom mode. Fortunately for us, Teachers Pay Teachers is having a back to school sale on August 6th and 7th. Get 25% off of creative and engaging teaching resources created by your fellow teachers. Just use code BTS19 at checkout. Visit my TpT store to get 25% off of my teaching resources. Get one of my most popular resources, The History of Black Wall Street on sale as well!

Also for more of my teaching resources head over to the printables page and use the same code (BTS19) for 25% off of all of my printable resources. The code is valid from August 5th until August 17th. If you are already back at work, I wish you an awesome year with awesome students and co-workers. You got this!